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Las Vegas Weather can vary throughout the year. Temperatures above 100 degrees are common from June through August while temperatures in the low 30's at night are the norm in January. The overall precipitation is light throughout most of the year (hence the desert climate). In general, this is the way the weather breaks out during the year. January and February are typically cold at night but can have an occasional mild (50's) daytime temperature. March and April start to warm up with temps in the 80's towards the end of April. For some reason March tends to be very windy. May is generally very pleasant with temperatures hitting up against the bottom of the 100's later in the month. Pools are usually open by this time. June begins the "hot" stretch of the summer where temperatures hit the triple digits consistantly through the beginning of September. July and August are just plain HOT. (Yeah, but it's a dry heat, kind of like sticking your head in an oven is a dry heat!) The beginning of September is typically pretty damn hot also (it is the desert) but begins to "cool down" to the high 80's and low 90's by the end of the month. October and November have a mix of warm and cooler days. By December the temperatures can be down in the 30's, after all, it is December ! The days can be milder. Anytime of year is a good time to visit Las Vegas, after all, the casinos are always cool in the hottest of summers and warm on the coolest of nights.
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  Jan Feb Mar April May June
Low low 30's mid 30's mid 40's mid 40's mid 50's mid 60's
High high 50's mid 60's low 70's low 80's low 90's low 100's
  July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Low mid 70's mid 70's low 60's high 40's high 30's low 30's
High low 100's low 100's high 90's high 80's low 60's low 60's
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© 2000-2001 W. Cranston King last update 10/18/2001